How to Pick a Data Recovery Specialist for Magnetic Storage Media

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When magnetic storage media fails or seems to warp your data to god-knows-where, the best recourse is undeniably to get a specialist to recover your data for you.  True, one could always try to do the job oneself, but would obviously be less likely to succeed, at least in the absence of professional expertise and utilities.  A lot of amateurs actually end up deleting the data they were trying to recover accidentally during their efforts, so taking the media to a professional may be wiser, at least in the more complex cases and where the user is not interested in investing time and effort in learning the best practices in data recovery.

As with every other task you want to give over to a hired professional, you should take care with your selection of people to assign the job.  It is fortunate that there are so many data recovery companies nowadays that you no longer need to worry about being stuck with only a few choices.  As it is, consumers can make their selection from dozens of options in their own city alone—with some even offering all-online data recovery services (although these cannot work for all situations, especially where the media has physical damage).

Start by looking for some options on the Internet.  If your media is in particularly bad shape, you should target those that have shops or labs near your location, to make it easier to transport the damaged hardware to them.  Inspect their guarantees and price structures (if available, anyway) and start narrowing down your list to fewer than 7 from there.

It should be noted that most data recovery professionals can handle all types of media, but you should nonetheless check that all your options handle magnetic storage media data recovery and repair.  Indeed, some experts specialise in it, in which case you might want to prioritise them as first options in the list.

You should also seek out reviews of the shop if you want a better guarantee of their abilities.  Many people review such stores online, and you can even ask around to find people who have had experience with the shops in question.  In particular, you want to seek out those who had the same storage media and issues: ask the people at the shop too if they have seen similar cases, to get a feel for their experience.

You can use the compound of all these guidelines to find the right shop for your trouble.  Keep in mind that not all shops will succeed in the worst data loss cases: you may need to take it to a different store if indeed even the experts at one cannot put the data back together.  Fortunately, most of them offer a free diagnostic reading and price quote.  Get in touch with each store to put together some possibilities.